Our risk management training academy was born out of the need to have access to practical and insightful risk management training. Time is precious and most practitioners are not able to slog through lengthy and boring academic training courses.
Our Risk management training will help you quickly understand the key issues within the different types of risk. The modules are concise and focus on essentials.
Both risk and non-risk professionals will benefit from the training courses, as it has been designed to educate practitioners on risk domains outside their own areas of expertise.
This course has been structured in such a way as to transfer practical risk knowledge from experienced risk practitioners and CRO’s to you.
"The Climate Risk management module is superb, it allowed me to upskill myself quickly on a very important topic."
- Prabashni Chetty
Risk Management
Several Banking risk management fundamental courses are currently being developed and will be made available soon. Subscribe to our mailing list for updates on new courses.
Climate Risk
Climate risk will dominate the risk landscape over the next few decades. There is a great need to create more awareness and education at all levels in the organization.
Digital Finance
Several Digital Finance risk courses are currently being developed and will be made available soon. Subscribe to our mailing list for updates on new courses.
About us
In order to provide genuine value to students, it is required that those who transfer the knowledge, have gained practical hands on experience in the game. our team of associates consists of CRO's and risk experts, each with at least 10-30 years of experience in their field. All this knowledge has been captured and brought to you in the various training modules.
Featured Products
The NPF Academy risk management courses have been developed with the objective to provide knowledge transfer from practitioners with extensive experience to students who are eager to learn and enhance their own skills and knowledge.
The disruption caused by remote working has made it very difficult for new joiners to learn from experienced practitioners. Our courses help to address this gap.
The Banking mechanics and Risk Management foundation course has been designed to teach students how Banks and Monetary Systems work, and why Risk Management in Banking is very important for financial stability.
Climate change represents a material risk to the financial system and will have a significant impact on Financial Services firms. It is essential to understand the implications and how to prepare pro-actively for this change. Our Climate risk management training course provides you with a comprehensive overview of the context, implications and steps to be taken specifically by Financial Services firms, as far as climate change is concerned.
This course will benefit stakeholders at all levels in the organization, including: non executive directors, executive management, risk practitioners, internal auditors and employees who would like to learn more about the risks associated with climate change.